Making sure that your kids have a good relationship with dental hygiene from a young age will help them start and maintain healthy habits. However, this is sometimes easier said than done. Kids might see brushing and flossing as a chore, and one they aren’t eager to carry out. With a little help from the whole family, regular dental hygiene can become something your kids can be proud of. Here are a few tips for getting kids excited about having a healthy mouth!

Get to the Dentist Early

Introduce your child to your local dentist and dental team at a young age to help them understand that the dentist is their friend. You don’t even have to schedule a cleaning—sometimes just bringing them by to say hello or get their teeth counted can help establish a friendly, positive experience with dental hygiene.

Create a Routine

This one goes for both kids and adults–we’re all creatures of habit! The more you enforce brushing twice a day as a regular activity, the more it will become second nature. Try brushing your teeth to your kids’ favorite song. After all, who doesn’t love a daily dance party?

Let Them Pick Their Brush

Taking your child to pick out their toothbrush can give them something to look forward to. If they find one that’s in their favorite color or has their favorite movie character on it, brushing can become a time to show it off.

Reward Good Behavior

Whether it’s stickers, getting to pick out the bedtime story or going to the movies, rewarding your kids for good behavior can go a long way. If they feel like their hard work is recognized, kids will often keep up the good work. Even simply telling your kids you’re proud of them can be enough encouragement to go the extra mile!

Don’t be afraid to get creative! Making dental hygiene an important part of kids’ daily routine can become fun for the entire family.