Saturday, September 21, 2024

8:00 AM–12:00 PM

Endwell & Norwich locations only

Doctors with a heart is a day of service Progressive Dental hosts that provides people in need with quality dental care in one, no fee visit. Since 1984, it has become the largest doctor charity in the world.

Free Dental Care For Those Who Can’t Afford It
Providing one visit treatments such as: cleaning, fillings, extractions, flouride treatments and x-rays. Those with urgent dental needs are invited to visit one of the below locations for free dental care.

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I went to the doctors with a heart day today and I am beyond thankful! You gave me some self confidence back and I can actually smile without covering my face! Thank you so very much for your kindness today.

Megan Kelsey

Doctors with a Heart Day at Progressive Dental

In 1984, Dr. Duane Schmidt, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa founded Doctors with a Heart Day, Inc., to help people in need receive quality dental care. Today, Doctors with a Heart has become the largest doctor charity in the world. It has been estimated that over 15,000 doctors and their staff in various health care disciplines participate in this day of giving.

Dr. Spera and his dedicated staff and associates started this tradition locally in 1996. Over the past two decades, all participating doctors and staff have treated over 5,905 patients and completed over $1,102,983.00 worth of dental services. “Across the nation, once a year, doctors close their cash drawers to help people who have no means of support,” said Dr. Spera. These doctors know of no better way to show they care for those in need who live in our community. Out of the 80 staff members who help out during this busy day, 10-15 are outside volunteers and community members.

Those with urgent dental needs, who have no money, job, or means of welfare or health care, are invited to visit one of our four office locations for care on a “first come, first served” basis. Any dental service that can be performed and completed in one visit will be offered, including cleanings, fillings, extractions, fluoride treatments, and X-rays.

Make your smile a priority today