
Patient Appreciation Day

September 28th, 2013|

We want to thank you, our patients, for choosing Progressive Dental. To show our appreciation, we invite you and your family to Patient Appreciation Day [...]

Buffalo School of Dental Medicine

September 25th, 2013|

Check out the latest Buffalo School of Dental Medicine Newsletter. It includes links to some great resources! SDM News Tooth Cavities Linked to Lower Risk [...]

  • dental offices in Binghamton

Choose The Best Toothbrush

September 19th, 2013|

Here's a helpful article on Web MD that outlines all of the pros and cons of different types of toothbrushes. We thought it would be [...]

2-Minute Habit To Prevent Alzheimer’s

September 10th, 2013|

At Progressive Dental, we are committed to providing helpful resources for our patients and their families. Below you will find the link to a great [...]

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