As we unwrap gifts and enjoy holiday meals, 2018 is just around the corner. Once we put away the decorations and finish counting down to the New Year, we have an entire year ahead of us to make changes and do all of the things we’ve always wanted to do. When setting New Year’s resolutions this year, you don’t have to plan for big life changes to become healthier and happier. Instead, setting realistic goals, planning for obstacles and tracking your progress can ensure your resolution success.

Before you jump into the New Year with the same resolutions you’ve attempted before, consider placing your dental health at the forefront of your plans. If you want to improve your health throughout the new year, starting with oral health will help you to avoid pain, infections, and colds. Studies have found that oral health has direct connections to overall health and disease prevention. Removing bacteria and plaque from your mouth can aid in the prevention of viral colds and even of diseases such as diabetes.

Healthy dental habits are easy to attain once you set and stick to a schedule. Incorporate the following habits into your daily life and by the end of the year, you will have stronger teeth, healthier gums, and a happier smile.

Brush Twice Each Day
Brushing once in the morning and once at night will remove plaque and eliminate bad breath before work and before you crawl into bed.

Floss Each Day
Brushing is necessary for healthy teeth, but flossing is also necessary to remove particles trapped between the teeth. Floss at least once a day to ensure your teeth and gums are clean.

Chew Gum
Chewing sugarless gum prevents dry mouth, which can breed bacteria and decay. Gum chewing also freshens your breath and wards off snack cravings.

Plan Healthy, Balanced Meals
Your teeth and gums need vitamins and minerals found in well-balanced diets. To strengthen your teeth and gums, eat a variety of vegetables and fruit each day, along with lean protein and whole grains.

Drink Plenty of Fluoridated Water 
Drinking plenty of water is good for your entire body, but choosing fluoridated water can also protect your teeth from acid wear and damage.

Schedule Regular Checkups
While proper dental hygiene is important at home, regular cleanings and exams are necessary to prevent cavities and maintain strong gums.

Beginning a new year does not have to be stressful or challenging. By taking small, daily steps toward a healthy mouth, you can improve your overall health, helping you to prevent illness and build healthy eating and drinking habits.

Call Progressive Dental today to schedule a checkup and start the New Year off on the right foot!